Introducing a new Linux shell server

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Since June 19, 2017 the new server "Gemini" is available to all users of the old servers "students" and "staff". The old servers and were shut down on October 1st, 2017.

Note: Starting september 2020 the access to Gemini will no longer be default but can be enabled through a selfservice page to be made available later this year.

System specifications

CPU: 2 x 16 cores (64 threads) Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v4 @ 2.10GHz
Memory: 256 GB
OS: Scientific Linux V7.7

Testing software

New versions of libraries, applications and operating system may introduce some unexpected errors. Therefore you are kindly asked to test any software you use on this server. You may have to recompile your software.

Use of software environment modules

With the new server we also introduce the use of software environment modules, which some of you are already used to, when running jobs on the HPC's.

These modules when loaded can adjust your shell-environment to specific settings. Most of them will add path settings and environment variables specific for an application. If you no longer need a specific module anymore, you can remove it and it will undo the corresponding environment modifications.

At this moment 9 modules are available to select from, but this number will grow in the future.


If you encounter some problems using the new server, or if you have suggestions about missing software and/or libraries, please send an e-mail to:


Which ID should I use to connect?

You should use your Solis-id, with lower case characters only. Do not use upper case characters in your ID.

Which server should I use for SFTP connections?

You should use as the host name for SFTP connections.
Note that there is no ftp. as a prefix for the host name!

Should I use a specific port when connecting to gemini?

For SSH or SFTP connections, you should use port 22 (the default). The server is accessible directly from outside university networks also.

What is the address of my personal web site?

Note that your personal webspace is not active by default.

What is the address of my project web site?

Can gemini also be used for teaching purposes?

Yes, Gemini can be used for teaching purposes also. Nothing has changed since the 2017 migration to the new server.

Note: Starting september 2020 the access to Gemini will no longer be default but can be enabled through a selfservice page to be made available later this year.

How do I keep SSH from closing my connection?

Add (or adjust) the following two settings in the .ssh/config file:

ServerAliveInterval 20
TCPKeepAlive yes