Personal storage

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Personal (centralised) storage offers a safe place to store your personal data. Personal storage also offers a (limited) protection against accidental deletion.

Utrecht University offers several solutions to store personal data:

- U-drive
- SurfDrive
- OneDrive

You can find an overview of the different uses on the Research Data Management support site:


Onedrive is the advised storage solution for personal UU-storage with 1 TeraByte of personal storage space. Instructions on how to install OneDrive:

- for Windows (10)

- for MacOS

You can also use no-config access through a webbrowser:

OneDrive is the most secure network storage solution due to the 2FA authentication. Be careful when storing privacy sensitive data. Please consult for more on how to store privacy sensitive data.

Note: the OneDrive app may synch a copy of your data on your local hard drive. Make sure your hard drive is also encrypted when sensitive data is involved.

Storage needed for using Gemini or personal webpage

The storage facility for using Gemini (Gemini Homedir) and personal webpage (webspace) will change from a default service to a service after request. You will be informed when this change takes place.

- in order to access (personal) data from the Gemini server you need faculty storage (Gemini Homedir)
- in order to create a personal webpage you need faculty storage (webspace)

Basic features

The initial storage capacity is:

for staff 15GB
for students 4GB
for guests 5GB

It is possible to build a personal web site on your storage space.

Increasing storage capacity

You can ask for more storage space through the ITS Selfservicedesk.
In your request, mention 'increase personal storage Science Faculty (S: drive)'.

Accessing Science storage

Linux: /science/users/[solis-id] Windows: \\\science\users\[solis-id] MacOSX: smb://[solis-id]

Using Windows

When your Windows machine is connected to the soliscom domain, personal storage is usually available as drive S:.

You can manually map your personal storage to a drive:

  • Open My Computer → Tools → Map Network Drive…
  • Select S: for drive letter (or any other available letter if desired).
  • For folder, choose:

Windows: \\\science\users\[solis-id]

substituting your own Solis-id,
e.g.: \\\science\users\ruule101
  • You may wish to check the Reconnect at logon option: this will ensure the mapping persists when restarting your system.
  • Click 'Finish'; you may be asked for your Solis-id and password.
  • The new drive will appear in the list of available drives and can be accessed.

Windows 10

On Windows 10 (and 7), as an alternative to the method described above, you can use the net use command to connect to your personal storage.
Open Start → All Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt. Execute the following command:

net use <drive> \\\science\users\<solisid> /user:soliscom\<solisid>

For <drive> substitute an available drive letter, e.g. s:. For <solisid> substitute your own Solis-id. After you have supplied your password, the connection is established.

Use the parameter /persistent:yes to establish a connection that persists after you have re-logged in on your system.
Use net use /help for a list of further possibilities. This will only work, within the SOLISCOM-network (i.e. the UU-network)

If you need to access your personal storage from outside the SOLISCOM-network (i.e. the UU-network), you need to have solis-vpn active.

Using Mac OS X

The Science Faculty storage has moved to a new location:


If this doesn't work, you may try:


In the Finder under Go - Connect to server enter the above address (replace [solis-id] with your own). Use your solisID/password in the Finder pop up.

You can make this a favourite by dragging the newly mounted Science Faculty personal storage to the left Finder column.

Note: softlinks won't work when connecting this way. Contact support should you need this (TopDesk)

Using Linux

Your Science storage is mounted as home directory when you login to the Linux interactive shell. You may want to mount personal storage on your own Linux system.

First create a directory that will act as mountpoint: mkdir $HOME/choose name

then lookup your ID when logged in on id -g <solisID>

then use the mount command:

sudo mount.cifs //<solisID> $HOME/chosen name -o user=<solisID>,uid=<yourID>,gid=<yourID>,rw

You may also use your file manager to create a persistent mount (depending on Linux distribution)

Using sFTP or SCP

Use sFT or SCP to access personal storage from outside the Faculty domain.

sFTP and SCP

Use programs such as Filezilla and WinSCP, which will ensure a safe connection.

For server address use

Project space can be reached under /science/projects.

Beware to select the correct protocol from within Filezilla or WinSCP; sftp should connect through gate 22!

See also